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Experimental result in a sentence

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Sentence count:109Posted:2021-03-13Updated:2021-03-13
Similar words: experimentalexperimentallyexperimentalismexperimentalistexperimental modelexperimental errorexperimental designexperimental method
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61. The experimental result of homodyne reception and the wavelength conversion characteristics of photorefractive quantum device are reported.
62. Experimental result shows that LOPDI algorithm can greatly increase automatic speech recognition system's robustness against additive noise.
63. The possibility of test by electroanalysis is put forward ground on experimental result.
64. According to experimental result, There was a suggestion to add 10 % honey in carrot juice.
65. Systema-tical discrepancy exists between the experimental result and the quasi-particle prediction.
66. The experimental result has some deviation because of the differences between stimulant cold frame condition and actual cold frame.
67. This paper analyzes its circuit topological structure , principle of operation , and gives experimental result.
68. The experimental result shows that the dual thread processor based on MOSI microarchitecture improves the total throughput by 40%.
69. The experimental result shows that the new filter banks have better amplitude - frequency characteristic . 4.
70. The experimental result shows that the improved genetic algorithm not only solves the"premature"problem of classic genetic algorithm, but also avoids the blind search of classic genetic algorithm.
71. The method how to make web page of experimental result was introduced. The approach of auto-converting oscillogram file format and making web page of test report was studied in detail.
72. The experimental result shows that the perspective model is quite suitable for the 3-D surface measurement, comparing with the orthographic projection model.
73. Has done the error analysis based on the experimental result and the principle of the charge amplifier.
74. The experimental result indicates that the coarse error derived from the track variation of coder is eliminated by using the cycle code.
75. The experimental result shows that SMA is a quality damping material and possesses preferable damping capacity.
76. It was to evaluate the experimental result of single classifier using the reliability function[], to classify the documents that were hard to be classified by voting.
77. Nonsignificant influence of pressure on the experimental result was further confirmed by the experiment.
78. It can be concluded that the method and the cultivatable goal of comprehensive experiment are confirmed by the experimental result.
79. The design of laser blow-off system and experimental result are presented.
80. This paper reviews the methods of preparing the multi component calibration gases of ethene and propylene, preparing process and uncertainty combination and gives the experimental result.
81. The experimental result shown the control method is available for AC servo control system.
82. At last, the paper describes the experimental result and put forward some suggestions for amelioration.
83. The algorithm is polynomial curve fitting based on least square approximation. The experimental result shows its performance is more effect than that of the piecewise linear algorithm.
84. Finally, the experimental result and the curve diagram of measurement for ultraviolet radiation spectrum are given.
85. At last the experimental result of soft simulation shows that the novel algorithm is better than the middle filter on reserving the details and signal-noise-ratio.
86. This paper is also discussed theoretical analysis and experimental result of dispersion of Lippmann monochromatic DCG hologram under white light illumination which is recorded w...
87. Experimental result shows that the diagnosis system studied in this paper is correct, reliable,[ result.html] and has device independence.
88. The analyze of drawing force model is well meeting to the experimental result. Foundation is laid for optimal design of die structure and technological design of tube plug drawing mill.
89. The computed coupling slot angle in coalesced mode is in agreement with the experimental result.
90. The experimental result shows algorithmcan make decision analysis efficient and overcome the influence of noise.
More similar words: experimentalexperimentallyexperimentalismexperimentalistexperimental modelexperimental errorexperimental designexperimental methodexperimental procedureexperimental conditionexperimental psychologyexperimentationexperimentexperimenterexperiment onfinal resultmental representationrandom experimentexperiment designscientific experimentcontrol experimentexpected resultthrough an experimentdesign of experimentsmental reservationfundamental researchnutrimentaldetrimentalincremental revenuemental retardation
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